Serving the Paola, Kansas Community since 1920
What We Do
We strive for a vibrant community that works together for the good of Paola. The Chamber implements 3 core pillars to aid this vision:
Our Vision
1. Development – cultivate an environment to help our members prosper and to
achieve a healthy local economy and quality of life.
2. Advocacy – speak on behalf of our members’ interests.
3. Resources – provide effective support for members and visitors.
Our Mission
The Paola Chamber of Commerce provides & promotes opportunities
for businesses and the community to support each other.
About Our Chamber
The Paola Chamber of Commerce has been serving the Paola, Kansas community since 1920. Over the years we have had multiple addresses, but have always maintained our goal to serve our community.
Chamber by the Numbers
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Population Miami County
Chamber Members
Paola Population
Years Of Experience
Success Stories
“Super helpful and glad to be a part of the Paola Chamber of Commerce“
“Great Chamber in a great community! Always ready to help and putting on events that benefit all Paola businesses”
“This is a place full of information all the employees are very informed about what there passionate about and always happy to assist you as long as there not behind on what very the matter there working on“